Works on Canvas - Mexico

Works on Canvas - Mexico

Works on Canvas - Mexico

Works on Canvas - Mexico





Future Paradise, 2023
Oil, acrylic, oil pastel, soft pastel & charcoal on canvas
130 x 160 cm

Future Paradise, 2023
Oil, acrylic, oil pastel, soft pastel & charcoal on canvas
130 x 160 cm

Future Paradise, 2023
Oil, acrylic, oil pastel, soft pastel & charcoal on canvas
130 x 160 cm


The Philosophy of Stones, 2023
Oil, acrylic, oil pastel & wax pastel on canvas
130 x 160cm

The Philosophy of Stones, 2023
Oil, acrylic, oil pastel & wax pastel on canvas
130 x 160cm


Hot Dreams, 2022
Acrylic, oil pastel, wax pastel & charcoal on canvas
100 x 120 cm

Hot Dreams, 2022
Acrylic, oil pastel, wax pastel & charcoal on canvas
100 x 120 cm


Cosmic Strawberry (let me taste your), 2023
Oil, acrylic, oil pastel, soft pastel & charcoal on canvas
130 x 160 cm

Cosmic Strawberry (let me taste your), 2023
Oil, acrylic, oil pastel, soft pastel & charcoal on canvas
130 x 160 cm


Spirit, 2023
Oil pastel, oil, charcoal, soft pastel & acrylic on canvas
80 x 100cm

Spirit, 2023
Oil pastel, oil, charcoal, soft pastel & acrylic on canvas
80 x 100cm


Wave to the aviary, 2023
Acrylic, oil pastel, wax pastel & charcoal on canvas
100 x 120 cm

Wave to the aviary, 2023
Acrylic, oil pastel, wax pastel & charcoal on canvas
100 x 120 cm


Realistic Magic, 2023
Acrylic, oil pastel, wax pastel, charcoal & oil stick on canvas
100 x 120cm

Realistic Magic, 2023
Acrylic, oil pastel, wax pastel, charcoal & oil stick on canvas
100 x 120cm


There’s Enough For Everyone, 2022
Acrylic, oil, oil pastel, soft pastel & charcoal on canvas
130 x 160cm

There’s Enough For Everyone, 2022
Acrylic, oil, oil pastel, soft pastel & charcoal on canvas
130 x 160cm


El Jardín, 2022
Acrylic on canvas
130 x 160cm

El Jardín, 2022
Acrylic on canvas
130 x 160cm


Another New Horizon, 2024
Oil, oil pastel, acrylic, charcoal & graphite on canvas
164 x 173cm

Another New Horizon, 2024
Oil, oil pastel, acrylic, charcoal & graphite on canvas
164 x 173cm


Pollination, 2022
Acrylic, charcoal & oil pastel on canvas
130 x 160 cm

Pollination, 2022
Acrylic, charcoal & oil pastel on canvas
130 x 160 cm


I cast my net into their sea, 2023
Oil, oil stick, oil pastel, soft pastel, charcoal, graphite & acrylic on canvas
108 x 128cm

I cast my net into their sea, 2023
Oil, oil pastel, soft pastel, charcoal, graphite & acrylic on canvas
108 x 128cm

I cast my net into their sea, 2023
Oil, oil stick, soft pastel, charcoal, graphite & acrylic on canvas
108 x 128cm


A place to be, 2024
Oil, acrylic, oil pastel, soft pastel, charcoal & graphite on canvas
130 x 160cm

A place to be, 2024
Oil, acrylic, oil pastel, soft pastel, charcoal & graphite on canvas
130 x 160cm


Forever Dolphin Love, 2023
Oil stick, acrylic, charcoal, soft pastel & oil pastel on canvas
130 x 160cm

Forever Dolphin Love, 2023
Oil stick, acrylic, charcoal, soft pastel & oil pastel on canvas
130 x 160cm

Forever Dolphin Love, 2023
Oil stick, acrylic, charcoal, soft pastel & oil pastel on canvas
130 x 160cm


Words that Rhyme with Oasis, 2022
Acrylic & charcoal on canvas
45 x 60cm

Words that Rhyme with Oasis, 2022
Acrylic & charcoal on canvas
45 x 60cm

James Watkins

James Watkins


